Tuesday, April 23, 2019

REWATCH: The Roller Blade Seven [1991]

[Cross-posted on the Bad Movie Night Facebook page.]

Adam made the bold choice to purchase "The Roller Blade Seven" which came in a three pack with its two sequels: "Return Of The Roller Blade Seven" and "Hawk: Warrior Of The Wheelzone." Although none of us could remember it, my original write-up on the movie is actually really thorough so you can check it out here

One mystery that continues to remain unsolved is who are the roller blade seven? Hawk, the main character is one. The movie cover shows him with six women including the clown girl, pink leotard girl, a girl referred to as "spirit guide" and three others who may have been part of the evil S&M crew, but they are never established as a team or anything. I don't think they even all appear onscreen at the same time. Also, the pink leotard girl kills Hawk's mystery wife at the end so I don't imagine they're friends by that point. Why not just call it "The Wheelzone"?

This movie makes no sense.

I guess we can hope that the sequels might.

Tune in next week to find out. Oh, and skate or die.

Spoon Rating: 6

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