The plot kind of revolves around this friendship duo of the blind swordsman and the warrior. During the Dutch colonization of Indonesia, a general sets up a competition that the blind swordsman wins. He fakes the death of the warrior and all is going fine until some sort of evil goddess wants him for her mate and he rejects her. Things get pretty complicated from there with a guy who has a tail and kidnaps some girl child who is important to the swordsman, a bunch of the goddess's scantily clad female warriors, and the occasional involvement of the Dutch army. The plot is a little hard to follow but it doesn't really matter much. What makes this movie so special is the effects.
Every time you start to have the thought that the movie might be dragging, you will suddenly encounter a special effect so bizarre that you will be howling in laughter. The moment when the guy with the tail first has his tail enter the scene by popping out from under his coat is so startling and unnerving that you can't help but scream. The blind swordman decapitates a man with what amounts to a pipe and the head goes soaring. People occasionally fly but so slowly that running would be more efficient. And then there's the final battle where it seems like everyone is just suddenly combustible. If you throw someone into something, they will explode. It is insanity. The highs are so high that the lows are forgivable. Watch it.
Spoon Rating: 8
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