In a remote location near Los Angeles, there's a mercenary training camp where the potential mercenaries hunt guys they kidnapped off the street because realism. One day they make a mistake by kidnapping a mulleted guy off the street who . . . used to train with them? I don't know. He knows the guy running the joint, the non-corporate Big Bad. They strip him down to his booty shorts and do a loving slow pan up his oily body before letting him loose and find that he's too good at not being killed. The rest of the movie is mainly just everyone saying, "We've got to kill this guy" which was the entire goal from the beginning anyway. At one point his father-in-law shows up to take out some guys including the corporate guy behind it but he dies. The main character escapes to his own house but returns when he finds that they've kidnapped and raped his wife. Then he teams up with an old friend and they kill everyone except the Big Bad who gets put into the game himself. It ends on the main character's looped scream and the credits roll to an incongruously chill 80s slow jam called "Never Say Die."
This movie may not sound like much but it's in the execution where the weirdness comes. There are tons of lines that sound like all the mercenaries are crushing on the main character, strange reads, weirdly short range gernades, and a scene where instead of having an explosion, it sloppily cuts to an inserted explosion shot that was clearly shot at a different location and time. Oh, and the main characters cuts off a guy's arm and beats him with it. You really don't want to miss that.
"You're supposed to be the best at what you do. Do it better."
"Friend or enemy?
"I'm a friend!"
"You're a liar."
Gayest Lines:
"This guy looks like fun."
"Let's hope he lasts more than ten minutes."
"I'd give anything to have 20 men just like him."
"I want you . . . dead."
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