Here is the full review on Km, the miracle product from "An Idea Whose Time Has Come" as penned by Sarah, our physician on staff.

Adam found this lovely elixir on Amazon and ordered it for us to try on Bad Movie Night after watching the delightful video of exposition describing all of its wonderful properties while never telling you what the “product” is. When we received the bottle we found P65 Warnings for CA stating this product could cause cancer and reproductive harm. Being the nerdy Nurse Practitioner that I am, I opened up my handy dandy drug book guide for natural products: The Review of Natural Products: The Most Complete Source of Natural Product Information (2014). This book reads like any pharmaceutical reference book might, with indications, side effects, dosing, counter indications, as well as listing any scientific research done and the quality of that research. So, with that in mind I have listed below the ingredients of this magic Elixir and their reported uses (doesn’t mean it does what it is used for) and common side effects. I hope you enjoy as much as we did.
In order listed on the bottle:
TLDR: Many ingredients supposedly help you pee more, decrease inflammation, lowers blood pressure and blood sugar. A few can give you a heart attack, several can cause abortion or are just listed as “dangerous during pregnancy”. 1 can cause cancer. And lets not forget that several cause nausea and vomiting, the most common side effect of anything ever.
· Chamomile:
Uses: used topically and in mucous membranes for inflammation, can be used in irrigated for anogenital inflammation, used internally for intestinal spasms and inflammation
Side Effects: Can cause severe allergic reaction and mild skin allergic reaction.
Safety in Pregnancy: Unreferenced adverse reactions have been reported
· Sarsaparilla:
Uses: has been used to treat syphilis, leprosy, psoriasis and other ailments
Side Effects: No major side effects have been reported but unusually high dose could possibly be harmful.
Safety in Pregnancy: Information regarding safety in pregnancy is lacking
· Dandelion:
Uses: has been used for its nutritional value as well increase urniation, regulation of blood sugar, liver and gall bladder disorders, appetite stimulation, abdominal complaints.
Side Effects: Mild allergic skin rash, stomach discomfort.
Safety in Pregnancy: Generally recognized as safe or used as food.
· Horehound:
Uses:used as flavoring, expectorant (loosens mucus), vasodilator (lowers blood pressure), sweating, increased urination and treatment for intestinal parasites, lowers blood sugar.
Side Effects: Large doses may cause cardiac irregularities (this is bad)
Safety in Pregnancy: information is lacking, but should avoid use but is known to cause increased menstrual bleeding and abortion
· Licorice:
Uses: used historically for stomach issues, primarily used as a flavoring. It has been investigated in use as a cancer treatment and antiviral drug.
Side Effects: At low doses or normal consumption few side effects have been reported. Excessive doses can cause high blood pressure and low potassium.
Safety in Pregnancy: Should be avoid. Increases estrogen activity and can cause abortion
· Seneca
snake root:
Uses: stimulates stomach secretions and smooth muscle contractions, can promote appetite and tone digestive organs. In large dose can increase blood flow, sweating, and increased urination
Side Effects: can affect the kidneys and irritate the intestines
Safety in Pregnancy: particularly dangerous to women who are pregnant (no specifics listed)
· Passion
Uses:multiple traditional uses such as anxiety, dietary fiber, lowering blood sugar, decreasing blood pressure.
Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, prolongation of the QT interval (can result in heart attack), Ventricular tachycardia ( second to last step before your hear stops) occupational asthma
Safety in Pregnancy: causes stimulation of the uterus
· Thyme:
Uses: primarily culinary uses, has been used in cough mixtures and mouthwashes and treating fungal skin infections
Side Effects: mild to severe allergic reactions
Safety in Pregnancy: information is lacking
· Genetian:
Uses: to stimulate appetite, improve digestion, treat stomach complaints, stimulates increase menstrual flow, treat wounds, sore throat, arthritis and jaundice (caused by liver failure)
Side Effects: Can cause Cancer, headaches, nausea and vomiting
Safety in Pregnancy: documented adverse effects, avoid use (exact effects not listed)
· Saw
Uses: has been used to treat enlarged prostrate, erectile dysfunction, treat prostrate cancer
Side Effects:generally well tolerated with occasional reports of stomach upset and headache
Safety in Pregnancy: should be avoided as it affects androgen and estrogen metabolism
· Alfalfa:
Uses: to lower cholesterol, treating menopausal symptoms, lowering blood sugar, decrease inflammation.
Side Effects: can be contaminated with salmonella and E.coli and cause high potassium
Safety in Pregnancy: documented adverse effects such as stimulation of the uterus.
· Dong
Uses: pain control for arthritis, allergy suppressant,, treatment of menstrual disorders, treat asthma, blood thinner.
Side Effects: fever, growth of breast tissue in men, increased bleeding when used with pharmaceutical blood thinners, increase risk of sunburn
Safety in Pregnancy: stimulates the uterus, cause abortion, affects the menstrual cycle
· Celery:
Uses: increase urination, treat arthritis, sedating, nervousness, hysteria, lowers blood pressure.
Side Effects: skin rash if cultivating or processing the plant. Certain compounds in diseased or damaged plants can be cancerous, large dose cause depression of the central nervous system
Safety in Pregnancy: generally recognized as safe
Beutler, J. A. (2014). The Review
of Natural Products: The Most Complete Source of Natural Product Information
(A. DerMarderosian, Ed.; 8th Edition). Clinical Drug Information, LLC.
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