We watched this classic, "Death Bed: The Bed That Eats," for the first time almost three years ago and we still can't seem to follow the back story of how this bed came to be evil. According to Wikipedia, most reliable of sources, "Long ago, a demon fell in love with a woman and conjured up a bed on which to make love to her. The woman died during the act, and, in his grief, the demon wept tears of blood which fell on the bed and caused it to come to life. While the demon rests, the bed's evil is contained, but once every ten years, the demon wakes, giving the bed the power to physically eat human beings." Okay. The bed also moans, eats, boozes up, and is best friends with a consumptive wall hostage from the 1800s who he spared from death so he could suffer eternally. The film is divided up into four parts: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Just Desserts, obviously. It is madness and worth every second of the hour and 17 minutes you will spend watching it. Read the original review here.
Also in the original review we tried to come up with as many death bed puns as possible. Because we did such a thorough job last time we only have a few more:
- Death Bed: Fitted For A King
- Death Bed: Bed, Death, and Beyond
"Death Bed: Making The Bed" is still a crowd favorite.
Quote (and new BMN motto): "You're nothing if you're not grotesque."
Spoon Rating: 7.5
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