This film wasn't really the plan for the evening, but our actual plans were thwarted by the cruel fates. Let me tell you the tale. In a small neighborhood of a nearby small city there once dwelled a shop called Movie Town, a shop right out of the bygone era of the 1990s. I last went sometime around 2016 and was startled to find that it had a plentiful stock of used VHS tapes and a corner curtained off to conceal porn, both DVD and VHS. Not a Bluray to be found in this forgotten land. We got some really bad VHS movies there and were pretty darn certain it was a drug front. How else could it stay in business in the 2010s? Alas, it could not survive into the 2020s when so many more worthy businesses have failed and the spot is now vacant but with its handmade-looking sign still up and a printed out sign on the door saying that it is merely closed for renovations. I'll believe it when I see it. So instead of some bespoke masterpiece selected from this anachronistic shop, we picked this film from a 50 pack of horror movies because the title was funny. Trust me when I say my Movie Town diatribe is a better story than this one.
For the first half hour or so we were genuinely convinced we were watching the wrong film. The plot seemed to be about some kind of dangerous nerve gas and the kidnapping of a scientist who made an antidote for it. Eventually we get to the fact that Hitler's brain (whole head actually) was preserved and brought down to the Caribbean nation of Mandoras, feeding into that whole "Hitler's hiding somewhere in South America" conspiracy that was once popular. Some other scientist and his impressively stupid wife go there and get kidnapped by some Nazis, who want to nerve gas the whole island for some reason. It's wildly boring.
There were a few laughs to be had but it took a very long time to get there. The image of Hitler's head in a jar that is extremely Futurama? Fun. The dumb wife asking what happened after literally watching the man next to her get shot in a drive by? Delightful. The door opening to show the Nazis standing on an upper stair so their heads are cut off? Perfectly incompetent. But the rest of the film sucked. Maybe we should have watched Vampire Night Orgy instead. I blame Movie Town.
Spoon Rating: 2
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