Monday, December 14, 2020

Pocahontas (Dingo Pictures) [1995]

Because Dingo Pictures has been an absolute joy the last two times we watched movies from them. This time they ripped off "Pocahontas." It is both the 1600s and the 1800s as they reference Queen Victoria and have cowboys and old west towns. It's also Virginia but also the plains since the Native Americans have teepees but also the southwest as Monument Valley and cacti are there. 

The plot is basically the same as the Disney movie but replace Grandmother Willow with a disturbing bush and fill the imperialist ship with an Italian chef, his very racist caricature Asian sous chef, Aladdin, and a cat who has an alarmingly sensual voice. As usually, the animation is ugly and bad, the voice acting is sometimes unintelligible and always weird, and the editing is slap dash.

We'll be watching more next week.

Spoon Rating: 7.5

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