So after the decent adventure we had with "Lady Terminator," we decided we should look into more Indonesian films and quickly fell on "Mystics In Bali." We watched the frenetic preview and knew we would need to get to it eventually.
An American woman named Cathy goes to Indonesia to study black magic so she can write a book on it, which is definitely not going to lead to anything bad. She and her Indonesian guide and later boyfriend go to a witch queen who says she'll be happy to help. She tells Cathy to take off her skirt and carves a spell onto her leg. She also does not stop cackling throughout the entire movie. Later Cathy meets her, and they laugh together and turn into animals. The queen decides to borrow her head by detaching it from her body, flying it into the room of a pregnant woman, and having her suck out the baby until the woman dies. It was absolutely wild. Apparently this floating head with entrails is a known witch figure in Southeast Asian folklore. After that exciting night of baby drinking, Cathy vomits mice and her guide-boyfriend is weirdly unconcerned. Later, however, more witchy stuff happens and we find out the witch queen is trying to eat two more babies in order to be forever young. Guide-boyfriend and his uncle decide to bury Cathy's body while her head is away so she can't survive and later the witch queen and Cathy are killed in the sunlight like vampires (a specifically Malaysian variant of the myth). The movie ends abruptly. There was also a completely side thing with guide-boyfriend's ex, who gets killed, but she was in the background the whole time and just confessed she loved him while dying, making us all think that we had missed something.
Overall, this movie got us some good chucks. The plot was basic enough that even Adam could follow it, and the first scene of Cathy's floating head was so insane that we could not stop laughing throughout. Maybe that's why the witch queen was laughing the whole movie?
Spoon Rating: 6