[Cross-posted on the Bad Movie Night Facebook page.]
This movie night started with an argument between Sarah and Adam about whether or not we have watched this movie before. It turns out, we watched the trailer for this movie before but the movie Sarah was thinking of was actually, "Tammy And The T-Rex." The confusion is perfectly reasonable. Both movies came out in the mid-90s and involve a sentient dinosaur because apparently the mid-90s were all about the idea of talking dinosaurs. The movie was actually much more painful than "Tammy And The T-Rex" and the best part of the night was when we watched the voice actors of "Rick & Morty" reading the transcript from a really bizarre trial in Georgia. I highly recommend watching that here and avoiding this movie because it's really not worth your time.
Well, the Wikipedia summary of his movie is only one sentence long so I see no need to be excessive in my description, particularly since most of us checked out of this movie is the first five minutes. Think if "Howard The Duck" was set in "Batman & Robin" verse with a cutesy family movie soundtrack and was about a dinosaur, recently brought back into existence after many species died out, teaming up with a cop to solve a dinocide. Some bad guys did some stuff and there were fart jokes and freaky costumes and it was deeply unpleasent.
Whoopi Goldberg was surely under contract.
Spoon Rating: 1
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Every Young Man's Battle [2003]
[Cross-posted on the Bad Movie Night Facebook page.]
This movie was based off an apparently award-winning(!?) book that is a guide for young men to avoid masturbation and pornography, truely some of the worst of the sins. The full title of the book is actually "Every Young Man's Battle: Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation" and while none of us heathens have read this good Christian book, the film did come with a bunch of study guides that ask questions about the movie and ask that you refer to Bible verses to further your understanding. About halfway through the brief, hour-long film, Adam paused it to go get his Bible, for learning purposes of course, and passed Kay a book saying, "This one's for you, Kay." It was the Satanic Bible. After that he also got his copies of the teachings of Buddha for Keith and a book on Wicca for Sarah as well as the Jewish Tanakh, the Koran, and the Book of Mormon. Perhaps we were overly prepared for a movie on the evils of wanking but we're thorough like that.
The movie is a bit difficult to explain structurally. It started with a weird metaphor about how the battle against the hypersexualized modern world is just like the Battle of Gettysburg, espoused by a man standing at Gettysburg. Then there was an overarching plot about a kid whose friend gives him the URL of a porn site and then invites him over to his house for . . . group porn watching? We think. Either that or he was coming onto him. And either way, that's totally unrealistic. Group porn watching among men is only really acceptable if it's so gross you have to show people or if you're in the military, as Adam can attest. Intercut with this semi-coherent plot are testimonies from guys who gave up porn and couldn't be happier as seen on their websites like xxxchurch.com (yes, it's real and not what you're hoping), guys whose lives fell apart entirely because of porn addition (homelessness! prostitution! drugs!), a bunch of Christian rockers talking about the inspiration for the music they wrote for this movie (spoiler: it's Jesus), and an extended football metaphor that we all just made sex jokes about. They also talked about the importance of "starving the sumo" which apparently just means "deflating your sex drive by avoiding sexual materials."
All in all, this was a decent descent into the early 2000s PSA aesthetic but a poor excuse for a movie. The study guides were a silly little addition full of repetative questions, gendered nonsense, and references to Bible verses that we had fun shouting out the answers to. Our answers were mostly, "Masturbate." In conclusion, Sarah, who is a registered nurse, wants you to know that there are many medical benefits of masturbation. Perhaps the people who promote things like this should realize that starving the sumo might just make the sumo so hungry that it will eat absolutely anything.
BMN Quotes:
[while reading hatemail on xxxchurch.com]
Adam: "Faith cleansing asshole? Like a holy water enema?"
Kay: "I used to play bass for Holy Water Enema."
[while reading the study guides]
Kay: "Making a covenent with your eyes? A bukake covenent?"
Adam: I used to play bass for Bukake Covenent."
Spoon Rating: 6

The movie is a bit difficult to explain structurally. It started with a weird metaphor about how the battle against the hypersexualized modern world is just like the Battle of Gettysburg, espoused by a man standing at Gettysburg. Then there was an overarching plot about a kid whose friend gives him the URL of a porn site and then invites him over to his house for . . . group porn watching? We think. Either that or he was coming onto him. And either way, that's totally unrealistic. Group porn watching among men is only really acceptable if it's so gross you have to show people or if you're in the military, as Adam can attest. Intercut with this semi-coherent plot are testimonies from guys who gave up porn and couldn't be happier as seen on their websites like xxxchurch.com (yes, it's real and not what you're hoping), guys whose lives fell apart entirely because of porn addition (homelessness! prostitution! drugs!), a bunch of Christian rockers talking about the inspiration for the music they wrote for this movie (spoiler: it's Jesus), and an extended football metaphor that we all just made sex jokes about. They also talked about the importance of "starving the sumo" which apparently just means "deflating your sex drive by avoiding sexual materials."
All in all, this was a decent descent into the early 2000s PSA aesthetic but a poor excuse for a movie. The study guides were a silly little addition full of repetative questions, gendered nonsense, and references to Bible verses that we had fun shouting out the answers to. Our answers were mostly, "Masturbate." In conclusion, Sarah, who is a registered nurse, wants you to know that there are many medical benefits of masturbation. Perhaps the people who promote things like this should realize that starving the sumo might just make the sumo so hungry that it will eat absolutely anything.
BMN Quotes:
[while reading hatemail on xxxchurch.com]
Adam: "Faith cleansing asshole? Like a holy water enema?"
Kay: "I used to play bass for Holy Water Enema."
[while reading the study guides]
Kay: "Making a covenent with your eyes? A bukake covenent?"
Adam: I used to play bass for Bukake Covenent."
Spoon Rating: 6
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Things [1989]
[Cross-posted on the Bad Movie Night Facebook page.]
This is a big one. We have been waiting to get our hands on this for years, probably even longer than we waited to see "Saving Christmas." This movie has a cult around it with its fans calling themselves "Things-ites" (I feel like there should be something more smooth than that but okay) and a reputation as one of the worst movies of all time. For us, it had some of the worst picture and sound quality since something like "Guru, The Mad Monk" or "Crazy Fat Ethel 2" and had a plot that was virtually impossible for anyone, even Sarah, to follow. The dialogue makes Neil Breen look like Shakespeare. It doesn't even feel like a planned movie so much as something a bunch of drunk Canadian rednecks decided to do on the fly because they happpened to have a camcorder. It also has the curious addition of porn star Amber Lyn in it as a newscaster who occasionally reports on what it happening in the movie and hands-down the best actor in the film.
The plot, as we have come to understand it, is about a guy who can't concieve a child with his wife so he asks for assistance from the evil doctor next door to make it happen. We are only really able to gain this information from poorly constructed conversation, a symbolic dream where the guy asks for a baby from a naked woman wearing a ram head mask, and a seemingly out of place scene of a guy torturing people in his basement (clearly where the bulk of the film budget went). All this happens pretty early in the film and then the next hour involves the guy's brother and his brother's friend coming over to raid his fridge. They find a tape recorder in the fridge that gives them infomation about this previous nonsense and then one of them puts his coat in the fridge because he's too hot. Yes, it's the kind of movie where this kind of illogical stuff just happens. Eventually the guy's bedbound wife starts screaming and bleeding and a thing bursts out of her chest like in "Alien." It turns out this thing is one of the THINGS which look like lawn spiders someone got at an iParty around Halloween. The rest of the movie is them wandering around the house in the dark, fighting the things. Occasionally someone will seemingly die and then come back later. In the end, the guy's brother is the only one left and he JUST LEAVES THE HOUSE. We were so angry.
This movie steals from and references enough good horror movies, including "Evil Dead" and George Romero's work, that it seems like the creators may have had an idea of what they were going for although nothing worked. This movie has poor picture quality, poor sound quality, poor dialogue, poor acting, poor special effects, a poor plot, a poor set, poor costuming, poor hairstyles (the 80s!), and just poverty of sense. Please experience things.
"Next time you come with me, you're staying home."
"You never told me you were a kindergarten artist."
"No one told me you were an asshole. I had to find out for myself."
"My niece did that before we tortured and ate her." [We still genuinely do not know if this was supposed to be a joke or if it was a reveal that all the characters are actually psychopaths.]
"They ate Susan! They ate her to the skull!"
And of course:
Spoon Rating: 9
This is a big one. We have been waiting to get our hands on this for years, probably even longer than we waited to see "Saving Christmas." This movie has a cult around it with its fans calling themselves "Things-ites" (I feel like there should be something more smooth than that but okay) and a reputation as one of the worst movies of all time. For us, it had some of the worst picture and sound quality since something like "Guru, The Mad Monk" or "Crazy Fat Ethel 2" and had a plot that was virtually impossible for anyone, even Sarah, to follow. The dialogue makes Neil Breen look like Shakespeare. It doesn't even feel like a planned movie so much as something a bunch of drunk Canadian rednecks decided to do on the fly because they happpened to have a camcorder. It also has the curious addition of porn star Amber Lyn in it as a newscaster who occasionally reports on what it happening in the movie and hands-down the best actor in the film.
The plot, as we have come to understand it, is about a guy who can't concieve a child with his wife so he asks for assistance from the evil doctor next door to make it happen. We are only really able to gain this information from poorly constructed conversation, a symbolic dream where the guy asks for a baby from a naked woman wearing a ram head mask, and a seemingly out of place scene of a guy torturing people in his basement (clearly where the bulk of the film budget went). All this happens pretty early in the film and then the next hour involves the guy's brother and his brother's friend coming over to raid his fridge. They find a tape recorder in the fridge that gives them infomation about this previous nonsense and then one of them puts his coat in the fridge because he's too hot. Yes, it's the kind of movie where this kind of illogical stuff just happens. Eventually the guy's bedbound wife starts screaming and bleeding and a thing bursts out of her chest like in "Alien." It turns out this thing is one of the THINGS which look like lawn spiders someone got at an iParty around Halloween. The rest of the movie is them wandering around the house in the dark, fighting the things. Occasionally someone will seemingly die and then come back later. In the end, the guy's brother is the only one left and he JUST LEAVES THE HOUSE. We were so angry.
This movie steals from and references enough good horror movies, including "Evil Dead" and George Romero's work, that it seems like the creators may have had an idea of what they were going for although nothing worked. This movie has poor picture quality, poor sound quality, poor dialogue, poor acting, poor special effects, a poor plot, a poor set, poor costuming, poor hairstyles (the 80s!), and just poverty of sense. Please experience things.
"Next time you come with me, you're staying home."
"You never told me you were a kindergarten artist."
"No one told me you were an asshole. I had to find out for myself."
"My niece did that before we tortured and ate her." [We still genuinely do not know if this was supposed to be a joke or if it was a reveal that all the characters are actually psychopaths.]
"They ate Susan! They ate her to the skull!"
And of course:
Spoon Rating: 9
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS [1975]
[Cross-posted on the Bad Movie Night Facebook page.]
Let me disappoint you immediately as we have all been disappointed: there are no lady werewolves in this movie. I'm not saying that we picked this movie heavily on the possibility of there being werewolf Nazis but I will say that when Adam was reading out the titles of potential movies this was the first one mentioned and we all screamed, "Yes!" This probably has something to do with the fact that all of us have seen Grindhouse and were probably thinking of Rob Zombie's movie trailer for his fake movie, "Werewolf Women of the SS." Instead of a werewolf Nazi movie we got a Nazi torture porn film mixed with a softcore porn and if those tastes don't sound like they go together, it's probably because they really shouldn't.
This film opens on sex between Ilsa, the Uberfrau leader of a special medical experiment camp, and one of the prisoners who she castrates right after as part of some theory that "inferior" races have inferior junk. Then the camp gets a new shipment of ladies who Ilsa questions and looks at naked before subjecting them to things like boiling, disease, and sterilization by a phallic vibrator wrapped in an electric coil. Also, nipple clamps were always a part of this for some reason. One of the girls is really good at not reacting to pain so she gets even more done to her as part of an experiment Ilsa is running to prove that women can be valuable in combat roles. A bit later a shipment of men come in sporting the red triangle of political prisoners. One of them is a blonde American who was born in Germany and of course he becomes Ilsa new toy. What she doesn't realize is, he's capable of holding off an orgasm indefinitely and this ability (which she then tests by watching him in a threeway with two other female guards) makes her something of a willing slave to him. Meanwhile, American guy and his Italian friend team up with the girls at the camp to plan an escape. Ilsa does more horrible stuff, invites over her commanding officer who she has a dinner with where they can watch a woman get slowly hanged, pees on said commanding officer at his request, and we went outside to play with sparklers as a distraction from the horribleness. At the climax (*rimshot*) of the film, American guy ties Ilsa to the bed and the escape plan goes into action. They manage to overtake the guards but their plans are foiled when German soldiers arrive to gun everyone down to destroy evidence of the camp's horrors. Pain girl stumbles into Ilsa's room to try to kill her but dies from her injuries before she succeeds and the job is finished by a German soldier cleaning house. American guy and the girl he likes, Rosette, are the only ones who make it out.
This movie was mostly unpleasant. We got a couple laughs from facial expressions and the fact that occasionally Ilsa and the lady Nazis would have their shirts halfway unbuttoned for a scene for no reason whatsoever (Adam said that this seemed like a Mel Brooks joke but it was totally serious). If you really want to watch some Nazisplotation, try "The Night Porter," although that's actually a decent movie. Maybe just cross your fingers that Rob Zombie actually makes his Nazi werewolf movie.

This film opens on sex between Ilsa, the Uberfrau leader of a special medical experiment camp, and one of the prisoners who she castrates right after as part of some theory that "inferior" races have inferior junk. Then the camp gets a new shipment of ladies who Ilsa questions and looks at naked before subjecting them to things like boiling, disease, and sterilization by a phallic vibrator wrapped in an electric coil. Also, nipple clamps were always a part of this for some reason. One of the girls is really good at not reacting to pain so she gets even more done to her as part of an experiment Ilsa is running to prove that women can be valuable in combat roles. A bit later a shipment of men come in sporting the red triangle of political prisoners. One of them is a blonde American who was born in Germany and of course he becomes Ilsa new toy. What she doesn't realize is, he's capable of holding off an orgasm indefinitely and this ability (which she then tests by watching him in a threeway with two other female guards) makes her something of a willing slave to him. Meanwhile, American guy and his Italian friend team up with the girls at the camp to plan an escape. Ilsa does more horrible stuff, invites over her commanding officer who she has a dinner with where they can watch a woman get slowly hanged, pees on said commanding officer at his request, and we went outside to play with sparklers as a distraction from the horribleness. At the climax (*rimshot*) of the film, American guy ties Ilsa to the bed and the escape plan goes into action. They manage to overtake the guards but their plans are foiled when German soldiers arrive to gun everyone down to destroy evidence of the camp's horrors. Pain girl stumbles into Ilsa's room to try to kill her but dies from her injuries before she succeeds and the job is finished by a German soldier cleaning house. American guy and the girl he likes, Rosette, are the only ones who make it out.
This movie was mostly unpleasant. We got a couple laughs from facial expressions and the fact that occasionally Ilsa and the lady Nazis would have their shirts halfway unbuttoned for a scene for no reason whatsoever (Adam said that this seemed like a Mel Brooks joke but it was totally serious). If you really want to watch some Nazisplotation, try "The Night Porter," although that's actually a decent movie. Maybe just cross your fingers that Rob Zombie actually makes his Nazi werewolf movie.
This movie summed up in one picture.
Löffel rating: 2
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