A bounty hunter/former cop whose behavior is punctuated by the "Born To Be Bad" riff, finds out that his ex, the mayor's daughter, was murdered and decides to find out who did it. He ends up running around with the prime suspect, the dude from "Airplane!" who had gone on a date with the girl the night she was killed, and a hooker whose clothing the bounty hunter had stolen the night before. It turns out the murder had been a joint effort of the deputy mayor and a crooked cop because the mayor's daughter was going to publish a tell-all book. The deputy mayor then steals the unpublished book, adds in a section accusing the mayor of incest, and uses it as blackmail to get him to not run for mayor again. Needlessly complicated plan? Oh yeah. Bounty hunter saves the day. "Airplane!" guy and hooker leave town to start over somewhere else.
As with any movie like this, it had some laughs and lots of cliches which is why it's so hard to write any more about it. For the next three Mondays, Kay will be overseas so updates will commence when she returns. It's likely there will be a lot of rewatching.
[guy wakes up to a bunch of people pointing guns at him]
"Is this one of those Japanese game shows or something?"
"Don't ever call me a son of a bitch!"
"Because I love my mother."
Spoon Rating: 5
Adam's Grandma's Review: "It was good."
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