But first, a word from our sponsors:
We haven't done that many double features in all the time we've been doing Bad Movie Night mainly because of time constraints. We're busy people and someone always needs to work late or get up in the morning so if we do double features they are usually two short movies or a planned event like the time we watched "Ed Wood" and "Plan 9 From Outer Space" together. Therefore, this is our first time doing a bad movie and its bad sequel.

The plot of the first movie is exactly what you would expect it to be: tomatoes start killing people. The movie never really shows how though since the tomatoes are actually just purchased from the grocery store and made to wiggle and make muttering noises before cutting to a scene of someone dead and covered in tomato juice. Only after a while do they up the budget to make big paper mache tomatoes. This sounds like it should be funny but in reality most of the movie is made up of the secretary of state forming a team to stop the tomatoes consisting of a master of disguise, a Russian gymnast, a scuba expert, and a former air force man who runs around with his parachute out and trips over it a lot. They get nothing done. The other side plot involves a female reporter trying to get the scoop from the air force guy. And did I mention it's full of racist and sexist jokes? The movie moves at a snail's pace giving you ample time to laugh at things that simply aren't funny and it's made of all original songs which include "Puberty Love", a song sung by a car salesman about capitalism or something, "Tomato Stomp" (which had a dance routine and was one of the better parts of the movie), and the theme song which is actually the best part of the entire movie hands down.
Adam's Grandma's Review: "Terrible. A movie to sleep by."

So which one was better? The second one. No competition. The first was an actual bad movie but the painful kind that makes you hate the world and melt into the couch. The second may not really be a bad movie or a good movie but . . . well, it is not the worst waste of time I could think of.
Adam's Grandma's Review: "That one was better."
Some more pictures of Keith's killer tomato:
It's been a rough night.
Someone got a sandwich that knew what was up.
And here's the glorious theme song:
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