I wrote this review while listening to Bikini Kill to purge myself. If you don't know what post-feminism is, I suggest you watch this movie for what might be one of the clearest examples ever. Although the movie might try to make you believe that the target demographic is empowered women who want to see a movie about girls kicking butt, everything about this movie says, "Sure, you can have your supposed independence as long as it's done in the most male-gaze-y way possible." This is a fetish film made by someone whose greatest wish is to be Michael Bay. The rules of physics do not apply and the amount of times someone in the room said, "And then they died!" actually managed to exceed the number of hair flips that we counted in the movie of which there were at least five. Perhaps this is ironic (or perhaps it's exactly what you would except from something apparently not meant for women), but the best characters are male: Crispin Glover's Creepy Thin Man, the best casting ever, and Sam Rockwell's character who's really only so awesome because Sam Rockwell. Other than the three mains, there was also another dose of creepy with Tim Curry, an underused Bill Murray, and a pre-fame Melissa McCarthy but if you blinked you might have missed her. The plot is pretty standard and doesn't make the most sense ever but once you realize that you're watching an exploitation film, you understand that it doesn't matter. Also, it's set in the most 70s version of the late-90s/early-00s that I've ever seen.
It was also weirdly unquoteable. When the movie ended we realized that we never got a memorable quote and yet, none of us were particularly surprised.
Adam's Grandma's Review: "I fell asleep"