This fantasy film is the most hilariously misogynistic film we have ever seen. What I mean by hilarious is that while this film has female characters who are damsels in distress and in one case, a warrior, they are so completely inconsequential and just there to be topless eye candy, that a main component of the plot is just gone from the film. Our main hero, Deathstalker, frequently called just "Stalker" by others, which is fine and good, is told he has to get a sword, chalice, and amulet (so like three of the four tarot suits) and use them to become more powerful than an evil sorcerer who has kidnapped a princess . . . and we never find out who the princess is or whether or not she is saved. The movie just forgets about that character. His incentive is just the power, we guess, and the second he defeats the sorcerer, the film ends. So what's most of the movie? Gratuitous topless women getting molested by men. No really. At one point our hero, yes, the hero, encounters a woman who tries to stab him so he tries to rape her only to discover that she has a penis because she's just a henchman transformed so he lets her go. That right there tells you everything.
All that being said, there are a few laughs in this movie from weird lines reads and dramatic music stings. There's a sequel, but we're probably not going to bother.
Spoon Rating: 3
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