So instead of a movie, we watched a series of anti-Halloween videos: basically every one that Adam could find on YouTube. Below I will list all the videos with a few thoughts on each rather than a full review since the longest one is only 45 minutes and the shortest one is just over two minutes.
Pagan Invasion, Vol. 1 Halloween Trick Or Treat: This was the longest video. It had some fantastic bad graphics that made it seem like the hosts were presenting from a medieval castle, which was one of the most distinct qualities. The video had a really nice segment about druids with real information and interviews that made it hard for us to understand why we were supposed to view them as evil. There were also some other interviews with "former Satanists" who were clearly Christian actors by the bizarre details that don't resemble reality and the lack of actual trauma. Overall, there was some accurate historical information, but delivered in a fear-mongering way. It's pretty skippable.
Samhain Crazy Anti-Halloween Preacher: This very short video was hilarious and worth your time. Some guy is dressed as the devil and insisting that we need to liberate Chicago from him.
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?: A man stands around recounting historical information about Halloween as an explanation for why you shouldn't celebrate it. The surprise at the end seems to be that he's a Jehovah's witness and he makes sure to drag a bunch of other sects of Christians on his way through his explanation. It's not really worth your time, but it sparked some fun stories from Sarah about weird rituals she had to do for religious holidays in middle school.
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?: This is the very rare balanced Christian view on Halloween. In spite of the name being the same as the one above, this guy insists that celebrating Halloween is a personal decision for any Christian but that while celebrating you should avoid demonic things (although he doesn't give too many specifics since again, he's kind of leaving it up to the viewer). Too reasonable; no need to watch.
Former Satanist Warns Christians About Celebrating Halloween: This guy was a delight. Definitely watch this one. This man doesn't know the definition of "legally" so we all got the impression that Satan is going to steal our real estate and maybe be granted power of authority over us if we celebrate Halloween.
Halloween or HELLoween: This one was kind of funny because the oratory style and the video editing make it look like a school project. It even cites sources and two of the books referenced are ones Sarah owns and that she and Kay have read. Not sure if it would be your jam, but we enjoyed it.
ANTI HALLOWEEN: This video is in Spanish so we didn't watch the whole thing but the low budget editing and the overpowering and enjoyable soundtrack at least made us watch for a little out of amusement. Skip it, unless you speak Spanish well enough to make it worth it.
10 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Celebrate Halloween: This girl's video was actually inspired by the "Former Satanist" one. It's not as funny, but it has the same kind of strong I-know-what's-best energy. It's not really worth your time.
Next week we will return to our regular movie watching.