We may all be stuck inside during this time of pandemic, but Bad Movie Night marches on. We've been doing this for seven and a half years; a little virus isn't going to stop us. We've just had to go virtual as you can see below. Also as you can see below, we were down an Erik tonight but four out of five's not too bad. We decided to watch "Low Blow," a low budget fighting movie that is conveniently available on YouTube.
This movie was highly entertaining. The plot revolves around a man whose main personality trait is that he's bad at driving (also of note, seemingly not the man on the cover of the DVD to the left) and he's a butt kicker who kicks butts. Sometimes without reason. He runs some sort of jack-of-all-trades crime fighting agency and never has any money. One day he's asked to save a girl from a cult run by a man who's always sitting and never removes his hood even if his shirt is off. His right hand is a crazy lady who loves to hype people up but doesn't care for all the love nonsense he preaches. The movie is a meandering journey to this rescue, but it's full of nonsense on the way there. There's a fighting competition in a pit, the complete and oddly calm destruction of a bad guy's car with a buzzsaw, and a joke about eggs that makes no sense. In addition to the weirdness and bad acting, it's also got some pretty atrocious sound mixing so, you've been warned.

It's definitely worth your time.
Spoon Rating: 6.5
Afterwards we decided to experiment a bit with Watch2Gether, the application we were using to watch the movie. Adam put on his favorite "Eagleman" commercial and we realized there are a ton of sequels we haven't seen that are equally great. The crown jewel of the YouTube search though was a video called "You Could Stop At Five Or Six Stores," a highly-memed complication of people's acting reels. Even if you don't have time for "Low Blow," commit the eight and a half minutes to this one.
Spoon Rating: 9
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