Continuing Adam's theory about getting enjoyment from watching the fifth installment of a series without watching the previous four, we decided to watch the fifth "Twilight" movie, "Breaking Dawn - Part 2." For reference, Adam had seen the first one and Kay had seen all five with Rifftrax, but Keith and Grandma were stuck with nothing. The first twenty minutes were mostly spent trying to figure out what had happened in the previous movies. Kay tried to keep quiet and Sarah was at work so it was a time.
WHAT HAD HAPPENED: Bella and Edward got married. She got pregnant and gave birth. She died. She got turned into a vampire.
This movie picks up with her playing around with her powers for about a half hour. Then a bunch of stuff about how her daughter is an unholy CGI demon so they have to convince a bunch of vampires from around the world that she's not a danger to society before the High Council of Camp Gayness (Volturi) vampires come to kill her. This takes two hours for some reason. The highlight of the movie aside from the evil vampire congress and Bella's dad, the one sane person in the franchise, is that there is a whole fight scene that turns out to just be a vision. Adam and Keith were so mad, but Kay had been waiting for that reveal since they started so she could laugh at them. Other things that annoyed Adam include the physics of vampire powers especially in relation to the werewolves, the fact that they use cars, their seemingly endless wealth, the fact that "everyone looks like they have a stylist and are wearing a pound of makeup," and the fact that it took him until the last ten minutes or so to realize that Jacob is in love with Bella's daughter. He was horrified.
Overall, it wasn't too bad a time but that might have been different if we had watched every single movie before this one. A spin-off about the Volutri or Charlie, Bella's dad, would probably be far more worth it.
Spoon Rating: 5
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