While we wait on a Bollywood movie to come in the mail, we decided to explore another earlier film by Amir Shervan, the director of "Samurai Cop." This one is, of course, "Hollywood Cop." Adam called Shervan's earlier works before the all amazing "Samurai Cop," "knock off Andy Sedaris films," which is a pretty solid description. There's a lot of lame, low tension violence, lots of topless women, and lots of silly scenes for no reason other than to pad out the movie. He doesn't go full force with it like Sedaris, director of "Hard Ticket To Hawaii" but he's trying.
In this film, a motorcycle gang kidnaps a kid (a human child, not a goat although there is a goat there) from the same ranch house featured in "Killing American Style" and asks for a ransom of six million dollars. The Hollywood cop and his partner team up with the mother and the estranged father of the boy to try to track him down. The movie takes a break to watch girls wrestle in oil while the boy makes friends with his doberman guard who helps him escape because children and dogs are magic and can communicate. The good guys find the escaped boy and all is well for a brief few minutes. Romantic music plays during the father-son reunion and it is uncomfortable. Then the boy's father dies protecting him after confessing that he has cancer and also has been watching him over the years and leaving presents in his attic. The kid is kidnapped again and there's a bunch more running around until they get him. The mother hooks up with Hollywood cop in a scene that is devoid of emotion. At the end of the film, the kid goes into the attic to try to find the present his dad left and instead they find six million dollars. Hurrah!
This film was okay. It had more funny lines than "Killing American Style" but overall the plot was far less engaging and didn't hold up well amongst the sleepier group members. We had started the evening by making Keith listen to the most intolerably hard to listen to songs that Kay and Adam could find and that was ultimately a more amusing experience. You could watch this movie and it would be an okay experience but we highly recommend torturing your parent's ears.
"She's a little upset. Her son got kidnapped."
Note: This is followed by the cops asking her multiple times what's wrong.
Note: This is followed by the cops asking her multiple times what's wrong.
"I've got blood cancer and sometimes . . . it hurts."
"Every day ends with a Tums festival. Because of you I have to go to the bathroom."
Spoon Rating: 4
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