In this teen flick, Sarah Jessica Parker moves to Chicago which is actually awesome because she can try out to be on Dance TV! Along with her friend Helen Hunt, and Helen Hunt's eccentric cranium accessories that often consist of animals, they sneak off to open auditions against the will of SJP's strict military father. There Helen Hunt gets kicked out but SJP is moved forward and paired up with our hero who was introduced without a shirt. Too bad the stereotypical rich bitch antagonist wants him and the spot on Dance TV and will do anything to get it including having her daddy blackmail the hero by threatening his father's job. Also, rich bitch is pissed off that SJP, Helen Hunt, and the hero's sister, Shannen Doherty, found an invitiation to her coming out party, made a bunch of copies, and then gave them to a bunch of alternative types with no table manners who smashed everything. SJP and the hero hook up and beat rich bitch in the dancing competition with their excessive use of gymnastics and suddenly all the parents have forgiven and forgotten. It's the typical 80s teen movie formula with all its terrible fashions, predictable endings, and no budget to pay for the originals of any songs so you get some generic "Dancing In The Street" and "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" to accompany a score that's heavily synth. Relish in the glory of these dated quotes:
"Velcro: next to the Walkman and Tab, it's the world's greatest invention."
"Let's hear it for steroids!"
"You're such a little punk!"
"You think I'm punk?! That's not as cool as new wave but it's better than preteen!"
"You're taking a fashion risk. I like that."
[on a motorcycle] "It's the safest thing you'll ever have between your legs."
Adam's Grandma's Review: "It was good. I like dancing."
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