Enter "The Avengers" but not the one you're thinking of. This movie is based off of the British television show but starring Ralph Fiennes (a.k.a. Voldemort and that guy from Schindler's List), Uma Thurman (and a horrible accent and an outfit she ironically stole from Black Widow), and Sean Connery (the villain who is apparently still mad Scotland isn't it's own country). It is the Britishest movie that ever Britished and it's terrible. Every line of dialogue is a clever quip delivered without emotion and the movie stops for tea at least ten times. In fact, it doesn't even feel British so much as it feels like it was made by an Anglophile who's never been to England or met a British person. So since this is the Britishest movie ever, can you guess what the villain wants to do? Control the weather to make it slightly more unpleasant! Oh the horrors. The 60s-ish outfits are interesting but that's the only nice thing one can say. The effects are the big budget kind of terrible and the acting is soulless but there is a moment called "the teddy bear scene" and the villain's defeat that really make it worth watching. We actually scolded the movie delightfully for these most irregular additions. Cheerio.
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