This movie wanted so badly to be "Underworld" but instead of a fight between vampires and werewolves, it was between demons and gargoyles and somehow Frankenstein's monster (named Adam by the gargoyle queen and, yes, we all giggled every time someone said "gargoyle queen") was in the middle of it. There's also Bill Nighy hamming it up as the leader of the demons, a scientist chick who manages to not be a love interest and who is trying to reanimate things, and oh, so many stupid fight scenes. What made them even better was that the demons explode into ash and fire with the slightest touch while the gargoyles are made of freaking stone. Throw in a religious undertone, Frankenstein's diary which none of the four groups (gargoyles, demons, scientists, and Adam) can keep track of, and the "Dark Knight-iest" title drop ever in the final voice-over of the film and you have the perfect formula to have Mary Shelley rolling in her grave.
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