To start with the baffling, the basic plot of this movie is that Damon is a law student and underground poker player who is totally not addicted to the game and has sworn off it after losing a bunch of money to sketchy Russian, Malkovich (put a pin in that). He goes to pick up his high school friend, Worm, played by Norton, from prison to find that he is severely in debt from his own poker playing. Damon agrees to get back into the game to help his friend, which we are supposed to see as noble. The movie absolutely frames every choice Damon makes as righteous even though the fact that he genuinely should seek help is obvious to anyone who has ever known any kind of addict. But see, he was just helping his friend! But see, he doesn't take advantage when his friend cheats! Pay no attention to how his law education is tanking and his rich girlfriend has left him. It's fine. Of course, he eventually beats the Russian at the end, pays off the debts and leaves for Vegas because why cure an addiction when you can monetize it? Oh yeah, and the film dabbles in neo-noir aesthetics with monologuing from Damon and smoky, yellow cinematography normally reserved for racist depictions of South America.
Now for the hilarious. This movie has two absolutely incredible characters: Damon's law professor and Malkovich the Russian. The law professor was a sneak hit because after Damon helps him win a game against his colleagues, the guy gives a monologue in a bar about how he's the family failure because he became a law professor instead of a rabbi. The moral of the story boils down to "do what feels right to you," an outright encouragement of Damon's gambling habit. Later on his doubles down on his message by lending Damon $10,000 of the $15,000 he needs. Insane.
The other winning character is Malkovich's, a Russian gambler and club owner nicknamed KGB. His accent is the most delightfully strange thing and his mannerisms are an endlessly source of fun. He has a quirk of divination by Oreo cookie that we all started adopting as we happened to have Oreos for dessert tonight. The glorious fate of it all. The one downside is that he is only briefly in the beginning and then wraps us up with about 10 perfect minutes at the end. He should have been in more of it.
In spite of the topic of this movie and its two hour run time, it somehow felt like it had no stakes. At one point Damon and Norton get beat up for cheating, but there are no clear threats from lenders and relatively few consequences given the money they are dealing with. A question we often ask on movie night: who was the film for exactly? As far as we can tell, people who will see anything with a cast like this. And us, Oreo psychics that we are.
Spoon Rating: 4