Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Neighbors: Episode Five [2015]

[Cross-posted on the Bad Movie Night Facebook page.]

After finding five bucks in the bottom of his night lurking cloak Tommy Wiseau decided to bless the world with two more episodes of his sexless porno, "The Neighbors", and luckily for him we hate ourselves enough to continue to watch this nonsensical shouting match of a program.

In this episode Ricky Rick, Wiseau's rich jock persona, is still running the building in place of new wave hair Wiseau and Bebe, the other landlord, appears to have been replaced with a different actress with similar hair (or is that her sister? Wait, who cares?). He gets knight armor for some reason, makes a lot of swishing noises with his arm in some kind of weird new reoccurring "joke", and at one point lifts up his shirt to show his poorly green-screened on abs that you can see in the GIF at the top of the page.

As for the tenants, the Monica/Don/Patrick love triangle from the first episode came up again as Don wants his boyfriend on the side, Patrick, to move in with them. Shouting but no solution ensues. Patricia is still crushing on Philadelphia but now they kind of hate each other: Patricia hates Philly for leading her on and Philly hates Patricia for having feelings for her. Shouting but no solution ensues. Philly also fights with Princess Penelope about who's trashier while random tenants walk by. At this point I'm 90% sure most of these actresses are retired porn stars. Cici shouts a lot about something, Ed and "the Denny" make a random appearances, and there are exactly five unsubtle plugs for Tommy Wiseau underwear. The show actually ends with a bunch of the characters dancing around and treating the underwear like confetti.

The only marginally interesting thing to happen in this episode is Lula, who is supposed to be dating Ricky Rick, hypnotizes Troy the stoner guy into confessing that he has feelings for her and then into having sex with her because, again, she is magic. Afterwards she snaps him out of her spell and leaves and we get another insanely memorable crazy line from him as he says over and over with increasing intensity, "I'M SUCH A HAPPY CAMPER. I'M SUCH A HAPPY CAMPER!!!"

"Have a nice day. Enjoy your child."

"Tell her you're strictly dickly, baby."

[in the credits]
"Based on a novel by Tommy Wiseau."

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